After days of anticipation, we received confirmation today that the Governor has chosen to sign HB 2530 which, as it was sent to the Governor’s desk, contained language broadening accountability for the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission. We’ve already detailed what this bill does, but with the Governor’s decision to sign the bill into law, appointment authority over commissioners is now divided between multiple elected offices.
For those who haven’t followed the process as closely, the new system contained in the bill states that the Governor would have four appointments to the commission, and the House Speaker, Senate President, and Attorney General would each have one appointment.
The Governor under this bill would make one at-large appointment, as well as appointments in regions 1, 2, and 5. The Attorney General’s appointment would be at-large. The Speaker of the House would make an appointment in region 4, and the Senate President’s appointment would come from region 3.
In addition to appointment authority, the bill allows for removal of a commissioner by the official making the appointment should such action be necessary.
The bill also contains language ensuring that the commission, “shall preserve the rights guaranteed by section 21 of the bill of rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas.”
In order to ensure that commissioners represent all Kansans, not just those employed in outfitting or hunting guide industries, the bill prevents the appointment to the commission of anyone who owns or works for a controlled shooting area, or provides hunting outfitting services or hunting guide services.
Finally, the commission would not be permitted to have more than a majority of its members from the same political party, and the commissioners would elect their own chairperson rather than the chair being selected by the Governor.