The Kansas State Rifle Association has led the charge to defend the Second Amendment and halt the radical gun confiscation agenda in Kansas for decades.
As the only effective, statewide Second Amendment organization in Kansas, the KSRA fills a number of crucial roles:
- Key players and those on the periphery alike know us as the consistent voice for our cause and rely on us to define and explain the pro-Second Amendment position when they have questions.
- Legislators have other issues they have to focus on in addition to the Second Amendment so many of them rely on us to let them know when they need to weigh in and take action to move the ball forward.
- The attention of national groups is divided across 50 states plus a federal government that seems intent on eliminating every one of our most cherished rights. With our focus exclusively on Kansas, we can provide groups like the NSSF, CSF, NRA, ASA, and more with timely and detailed information on what’s happening on the ground here and when they need to bring their attention to bear on Topeka.
- There aren’t enough hours in the day for legislative leadership and their staff to hear every idea, consider every policy proposed by a special interest group, or iron out the finer details of great legislation before it is introduced in committee. We help fill the gap by serving as a central hub, facilitating conversations and the free flow of information between legislators, legislative leaders, statewide elected officials, state agencies, national groups, and more.
- Most importantly, real Kansans don’t live and breathe politics like we do. Most people have lives to live, mouths to feed, jobs or school to do, or businesses to run. Few people can drop everything to head to Topeka on a week day and testify on a bill or talk to their legislators. We help organize those who can play an active roll and do our best to represent the tens-of-thousands who can’t.
As you can see, our legislative team does far more than simply working around the clock to hold politicians accountable for anti-gun positions and votes. With unashamed clarity, we defend the Second Amendment position from before the Legislature gavels in each year to far after each session adjourns Sine Die.
Since 1928, the KSRA has been a force for responsible gun ownership and the shooting sports.
In recent decades, the KSRA has made great strides in defending the Second Amendment in its entirety as it was originally written and intended. We do so effectively without compromising our core beliefs or the rights we hold so dear.
A Few of Our Victories
- Constitutional Carry – Here at the KSRA we believe that law-abiding individuals should never be required to get government permission to exercise their basic self-defense rights. The KSRA and NRA worked hand-in-hand to push Constitutional Carry through the Kansas Legislature in 2015. We’re proud to say Kansas became the 5th state to protect this fundamental right now enjoyed by Americans in more than half of the nation.
- Campus Carry
- Concealed Carry for Military Personnel
- Concealed Carry for Off-Duty, Out-of-State, and Retired Law Enforcement
- Statewide Firearm and Knife Preemption
- Right to Hunt, Fish, and Trap Constitutional Amendment
- Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment
The Current Battle
The KSRA recognizes that the battle is far from over. Radical gun confiscation forces in the Kansas House and Senate are trying to dismantle the work we’ve done over the past decade or more. They want to see campus carry repealed, hospitals turned into dangerous ‘gun-free’ zones where only criminals can get away with carrying, and unreasonable fees and processes imposed on any law-abiding gun owner. They want nothing more than to see California’s regulations, Chicago’s bans, and Australia’s confiscation schemes implemented in Kansas.
While the KSRA is the chartered Kansas affiliate of the National Rifle Association, we are not controlled or bankrolled by the NRA or any other national group. We rely heavily on the support of our members to continue the fight.
We need you!
Please consider becoming a member or making a donation today!
The promotion and teaching of the use of small arms, rifle practice and marksmanship among the inhabitants of the state for their own pleasure and recreation and for the provision of a reservoir of trained marksmen.
(1) To promote and protect the right of free citizens of the State of Kansas and of the United States to keep and bear arms for the defense of their State and country, their families, themselves, and their property, and for all lawful sporting purposes.
(2) To promote safety in the use of all firearms, to promote marksmanship training and citizen responsibility in respect thereto, to coordinate marksmanship programs throughout the State of Kansas, and to promote educational programs for the lawful and responsible use of firearms.
(3) To support the National Rifle Association, good game management, responsible conservation and utilization of wildlife and natural resources, and educational programs relating to the lawful and responsible use of firearms.
Our Identity | Expressed Through Art
According to records, the KSRA logo was designed by Ernest G. Peck, a Kansas artist and competitor. The red background symbolizes Kansas’ bloody Civil War past. The bison played a role in the settling of the state, serving as a source of food, shelter, and fuel, as well as an economic resource. The Sharps Rifle symbolizes the prominent role firearms and marksmanship played in early Kansans’ lives. From Beecher’s Bible to the firearms in use today, Kansans have kept guns around for sport, recreation, provision, and protection.