This is a regular individual membership available to individuals 18 and older. You have the option to pay once or set up an automatic renewal so you don't have to worry about forgetting to renew in the future. You can always cancel a renewal before it is processed, but automatic renewals allow you to keep your membership in good standing and help the KSRA as we support and promote the firearm community across Kansas.
Your Annual Membership Includes:
- The right to vote in officer elections
- The right to hold office on the KSRA Board of Directors
- A physical, print subscription to the quarterly Chips & Ricochets publication (may be waived at your request)
- A digital subscription to the quarterly Chips & Ricochets publication
- Access to all online member resources
- A 5% discount on product and merchandise purchases through the KSRA online store (exclusions apply)
- Access to additional benefits as they are released