
One of the Kansas State Rifle Association’s core principles is to promote firearm training and build a culture of firearm safety and competence in our state.

Kansans today enjoy wide protection of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms due to decades of hard work by the KSRA, our supporters, and legislative allies dedicated to defending our Second Amendment freedoms.

Passage of Constitutional Carry in Kansas allowed law-abiding firearm owners to discreetly exercise their right to keep and bear arms for self defense as envisioned by the founding fathers when they drafted the Constitution. In addition, Kansas law contains castle doctrine protections, coupled with robust burden-of-proof standards, a defensive-display statute, and a statewide preemption law that prevents local governments from abusing firearm owners through a patchwork of confusing and unconstitutional restrictions.

The KSRA Training Committee exists to build a culture of firearm safety and competence in Kansas and to make basic firearm safety common knowledge to every Kansan.

In a state with exceptional firearm protections, a vibrant outdoor, hunting, and shooting community, and a shooting heritage that goes back to our state’s inception, it’s easy to take things for granted.

It’s our duty as responsible, law-abiding firearm owners to ensure that more Kansans from every walk of life have the opportunity to learn how to shoot, handle firearms safely, use a firearm for self defense, understand and appreciate our hunting and shooting heritage, and know and respect our laws.

The KSRA Training Committee exists to encourage and promote firearm safety training, fun shoots, and special training days at the range with exceptional instructors. The KSRA is your one-stop-shop for finding a certified firearm instructor, a firearm safety class, a local gun club, an indoor or outdoor range near you, or even a firearm-friendly gun shop, mechanic, or attorney.

Use the resources across our website to find training opportunities, shooting ranges, and classes for any level of skill — from your first-time shooting experience (a thrill you will always remember) — to the kind of tactical training the world’s elite special forces receive.